Register With Us

Register With Us

Everything you need to know about joining the surgery

Who Can Register

Quote / Testimonial:

We can register anybody living within Darlington. If you live in an outlying village within the Borough of Darlington, you can contact the surgery to enquire

How To Register

  • To register with Blacketts Medical Practice, click the link below and complete the online form. It can take up to 2 weeks to complete the registration process.

Your Allocated GP

Every patient is allocated a GP at the surgery when they register. This GP will receive and action any letters or test results that are received by the surgery, but you are still free to see any GP for your appointments.

If you have a preference regarding which GP you are registered with you can add this to the registration form or let us know later. We’ll do our best to accommodate requests, but if we aren’t able to do so we will let you know and provide the reason why

Accessing a Dependants Records

It is possible to set up the NHS App to allow access to somebody else’s record. This would allow you to request medications or check blood results for someone else. Generally this would be used by parents of a child, or a carer of somebody that might not manage their health needs on their own

If you wish to set up access you need to speak to the GP surgery with whom the dependent is registered (i.e. the child). At Blacketts we have a form you can complete which can be collected from reception

How to Change Your Details

  • Online – the fastest and easiest way to change your details is online, using NHS Access
  • eConsult – use the link below to complete the form

Online NHS Access